
Now is the Best Time to Become A Member!

Trails take time, planning, energy, and financial resources. Our success and sustainability depends on your membership. Your contribution supports advocacy and programs championing new trails, maintenance, stewardship and the commitment to outdoor experiences for all.

Trail Advocate

Join and you will receive:

$ 35

Trail Builder

Join and you will receive:

$ 50
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Local Business Rewards Program

  • Choice of VVMTA Socks, HTC Socks, or VVMTA Water Bottle
  • Family Membership Option
  • One Individual Receives Swag. All Receive Access to Pro Deals and Events.

  • VVMTA Branded Koozie
  • Access to Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Sticker & Bike Bell (Event Pickup Only)

Trail Steward

Join and you will receive:

$ 100
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Local Business Rewards Program

  • VVMTA Socks or HTC Socks
  • VVMTA Water Bottle
  • Family Membership Option
  • One Individual Receives Swag. All Receive Access to Pro Deals and Events.

  • VVMTA Branded Koozie
  • Access to Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Sticker & Bike Bell (Event Pickup Only)

Trail Hero

Join and you will receive:

$ 250
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Local Business Rewards Program

  • VVMTA Hawaiin Party Shirt
  • VVMTA Branded Ski Town All-Stars Hat
  • VVMTA Socks or HTC Socks
  • VVMTA Water Bottle
  • Family Membership Option
  • One Individual Receives Swag. All Receive Access to Pro Deals and Events.

  • VVMTA Branded Koozie
  • Access to Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Sticker & Bike Bell (Event Pickup Only)

Trail Advocate

Join and you will receive:

$ 35

Trail Builder

Join and you will receive:

$ 50
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Local Business Rewards Program

  • Choice of VVMTA Socks, HTC Socks, or VVMTA Water Bottle
  • Family Membership Option
  • One Individual Receives Swag. All Receive Access to Pro Deals and Events.

  • VVMTA Branded Koozie
  • Monthly Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Sticker & Bike Bell (Event Pickup Only)

Trail Steward

Join and you will receive:

$ 100
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Local Business Rewards Program

  • VVMTA Socks or HTC Socks
  • VVMTA Water Bottle
  • Family Membership Option
  • One Individual Receives Swag. All Receive Access to Pro Deals and Events.

  • VVMTA Branded Koozie
  • Monthly Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Sticker & Bike Bell (Event Pickup Only)

Trail Hero

Join and you will receive:

$ 250
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Local Business Rewards Program

  • VVMTA Hawaiin Party Shirt
  • VVMTA Branded Ski Town All-Stars Hat
  • VVMTA Socks or HTC Socks
  • VVMTA Water Bottle
  • Family Membership Option
  • One Individual Receives Swag. All Receive Access to Pro Deals and Events.

  • VVMTA Branded Koozie
  • Monthly Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Sticker & Bike Bell (Event Pickup Only)


Join and you will receive:

$ 500
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • Access for two (2) individuals

    ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Access for two (2) individuals

    Local Business Rewards Program

  • Access to Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Swag Pack (x2) for Two Individuals
  • VVMTA Swag Pack Includes:

    • Hat (x2)
    • Socks (x2)
    • Water Bottle (x2)
    • Koozie (x2)
    • Sticker (x2)
    • Hawaiin Party Shirt (x1)
  • Logo Inclusion & Link on Website
  • Thank You Social Media Post
  • Logo Inclusion & Link in Newsletter


Join and you will receive:

$ 1,500
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • Access for four (4) individuals

    ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Access for four (4) individuals

    Local Business Rewards Program

  • Access to Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Swag Pack (x4) for Four Individuals
  • VVMTA Swag Pack Includes:

    • Hat (x4)
    • Socks (x4)
    • Water Bottle (x4)
    • Koozie (x4)
    • Sticker (x4)
    • Hawaiin Party Shirt (x1)
  • Logo Inclusion & Link on Website
  • Thank You Social Media Post
  • Logo Inclusion & Link in Newsletter
  • Recognition at the Minturn Bike Park or Eagle Bike Park
  • One (1) Custom Soul Dirt Event for Your Group
  • Learn more about Soul Dirt here.  Your group will receive your choice of:

    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led mountain bike ride (we have bikes!)
    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led hike
    • Custom outdoor recreation related programming (bike maintenance, technical outdoor skills, backpacking, etc.)


Join and you will receive:

$ 2,500
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • Access for six (6) individuals

    ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Access for six (6) individuals

    Local Business Rewards Program

  • Access to Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Swag Pack (x6) for Six Individuals
  • VVMTA Swag Pack Includes:

    • Hat (x6)
    • Socks (x6)
    • Water Bottle (x6)
    • Koozie (x6)
    • Sticker (x6)
    • Hawaiin Party Shirt (x1)
  • Logo Inclusion & Link on Website
  • Thank You Social Media Post
  • Logo Inclusion & Link in Newsletter
  • Opportunity to Promote to Our Audience
  • Custom Recognition at the Minturn and Eagle Bike Parks
  • Connect with us to discuss opportunities!

  • Two (2) Custom Soul Dirt Event for Your Group
  • Learn more about Soul Dirt here.  Your group will receive your choice of:

    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led mountain bike ride (we have bikes!)
    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led hike
    • Custom outdoor recreation related programming (bike maintenance, technical outdoor skills, backpacking, etc.)


Join and you will receive:

$ 5,000
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • Access for eight (8) individuals

    ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Access for eight (8) individuals

    Local Business Rewards Program

  • Access to Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Swag Pack (x8) for Eight Individuals
  • VVMTA Swag Pack Includes:

    • Hat (x8)
    • Socks (x8)
    • Water Bottle (x8)
    • Koozie (x8)
    • Sticker (x8)
    • Hawaiin Party Shirt (x1)
  • Logo Inclusion & Link on Website
  • Thank You Social Media Post
  • Logo Inclusion & Link in Newsletter
  • Custom & Targeted Promotion Opportunities
  • Opportunity to Promote to Our Audience
  • Custom Prominent/Recognition at the Minturn and Eagle Bike Parks
  • Connect with us to discuss opportunities!

  • Three (3) Custom Soul Dirt Event for Your Group
  • Learn more about Soul Dirt here.  Your group will receive your choice of:

    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led mountain bike ride (we have bikes!)
    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led hike
    • Custom outdoor recreation related programming (bike maintenance, technical outdoor skills, backpacking, etc.)


Join and you will receive:

$ 500
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • Access for two (2) individuals

    ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Access for two (2) individuals

    Local Business Rewards Program

  • Monthly Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Swag Pack (x2) for Two Individuals
  • VVMTA Swag Pack Includes:

    • Hat (x2)
    • Socks (x2)
    • Water Bottle (x2)
    • Koozie (x2)
    • Sticker (x2)
    • Hawaiin Party Shirt (x1)
  • Logo Inclusion & Link on Website
  • Thank You Social Media Post
  • Logo Inclusion & Link in Newsletter


Join and you will receive:

$ 1,500
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • Access for four (4) individuals

    ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Access for four (4) individuals

    Local Business Rewards Program

  • Monthly Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Swag Pack (x4) for Four Individuals
  • VVMTA Swag Pack Includes:

    • Hat (x4)
    • Socks (x4)
    • Water Bottle (x4)
    • Koozie (x4)
    • Sticker (x4)
    • Hawaiin Party Shirt (x1)
  • Logo Inclusion & Link on Website
  • Thank You Social Media Post
  • Logo Inclusion & Link in Newsletter
  • Recognition at the Minturn Bike Park or Eagle Bike Park
  • One (1) Custom Soul Dirt Event for Your Group
  • Learn more about Soul Dirt here.  Your group will receive your choice of:

    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led mountain bike ride (we have bikes!)
    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led hike
    • Custom outdoor recreation related programming (bike maintenance, technical outdoor skills, backpacking, etc.)


Join and you will receive:

$ 2,500
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • Access for six (6) individuals

    ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Access for six (6) individuals

    Local Business Rewards Program

  • Monthly Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Swag Pack (x6) for Six Individuals
  • VVMTA Swag Pack Includes:

    • Hat (x6)
    • Socks (x6)
    • Water Bottle (x6)
    • Koozie (x6)
    • Sticker (x6)
    • Hawaiin Party Shirt (x1)
  • Logo Inclusion & Link on Website
  • Thank You Social Media Post
  • Logo Inclusion & Link in Newsletter
  • Opportunity to Promote to Our Audience
  • Custom Recognition at the Minturn and Eagle Bike Parks
  • Connect with us to discuss opportunities!

  • Two (2) Custom Soul Dirt Event for Your Group
  • Learn more about Soul Dirt here.  Your group will receive your choice of:

    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led mountain bike ride (we have bikes!)
    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led hike
    • Custom outdoor recreation related programming (bike maintenance, technical outdoor skills, backpacking, etc.)


Join and you will receive:

$ 5,000
  • ExpertVoice & Outdoorly Pro Deal Access
  • Access for eight (8) individuals

    ExpertVoice Pro Deal Info

    Outdoorly Pro Deal Info

  • Access to our Local Business Rewards Program
  • Access for eight (8) individuals

    Local Business Rewards Program

  • Monthly Member Trail & Social Events
  • VVMTA Swag Pack (x8) for Eight Individuals
  • VVMTA Swag Pack Includes:

    • Hat (x8)
    • Socks (x8)
    • Water Bottle (x8)
    • Koozie (x8)
    • Sticker (x8)
    • Hawaiin Party Shirt (x1)
  • Logo Inclusion & Link on Website
  • Thank You Social Media Post
  • Logo Inclusion & Link in Newsletter
  • Custom & Targeted Promotion Opportunities
  • Opportunity to Promote to Our Audience
  • Custom Prominent/Recognition at the Minturn and Eagle Bike Parks
  • Connect with us to discuss opportunities!

  • Three (3) Custom Soul Dirt Event for Your Group
  • Learn more about Soul Dirt here.  Your group will receive your choice of:

    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led mountain bike ride (we have bikes!)
    • Soul Dirt Ambassador led hike
    • Custom outdoor recreation related programming (bike maintenance, technical outdoor skills, backpacking, etc.)

ExpertVoice Pro Deal:

Join as a Member and receive access ExpertVoice Pro Deal which includes over 500 brands offering up to 70% OFF.

Outdoorly Pro Deal:

Join as a Member and receive access to Outdoorly Pro Deal.

Trail Forks Pro 30% Off For Members:


Join as a Member and get 30% off your TrailForks Pro membership. Plus, the VVMTA will receie $5 for each new membership. It’s a win win! If you already have TrailForks, considering using this direct link when you renew to help support local trails.  Sign up for TrailForks Today.

Join Now To Support Our Trails:

Individual Memberships starting at $35/year

Family Memberships starting at $50/year

Business Memberships starting at $500/year

Join or Volunteer to Receive Volunteer & Member Rewards:


  • An annual program to reward our generous, hard working volunteers, donors, and members…the core supporters of our organization.


  • Members and Donors who join and contribute financially to support our programs, initiatives, and help further the mission of the VVMTA
  • Volunteers that contribute at least 6 hours of time in an annual year with Adopt A Trail, Wildlife Trail Ambassadors, and/or VVMTA & HTC Trail Crews


  • See below rewards and FAQ’s for donors and members.
  • Membership Rewards Card is active for one year from the date of your donation or when you hit 6 hours of volunteering
  • Volunteers receive the same local rewards card, ExpertVoice Pro Deal access, Outdoorly Pro Deal access, and swag.  Volunteers who work more than 18 hours in a year = VVMTA branded Patagonia hoody!
  • Both members and volunteers receive quarterly newsletter, 15% discount on VVMTA swag, and discount on VVMTA events and partner event tickets


  • Join and support one valley-wide trails organization that supports the VVMTA and Hardscrabble Trails Coalition.  Your membership spans across both organizations and makes an even greater impact on trails in Eagle County!
  • Trails are more important than ever right now.  They are an escape from our homes to get outside and improve our physical and mental health.  We need your support to continue to maintain, build, and advocate for trails in our community.
  • Trails don’t just happen.  Be a part of a local movement that builds, protects and maintains high quality trail experiences.  
  • Your support helps cover organizational expenses, advocacy, and many more on the ground programs and projects across Eagle County


  • What does my membership support?
    • It supports the maintenance, advocacy, education, and building of the trails we know and love in our backyard.  It allows us to further our mission, vision, and support the balance between recreation and conservation.
  • How do I access my Digital Membership Card?
    • You will receive an e-mail with instructions on how to download your Membership Card to your phone and save it in your Apple Wallet or Google Pay
  • When does my Digital Membership Card and Rewards Start and Expire?
    • Your Membership Card and access to rewards are active for one year starting the day you donate.  After one year, you can renew and receive a new Membership Card.
  • How do I sign up for ExpertVoice Pro Deal?
    • You will receive an e-mail with instructions after you donate and receive your Digital Membership Card.
  • How do I sign up for Outdoorly Pro Deal?
    • You will receive an e-mail with instructions after you donate and receive your Digital Membership Card.
  • How do I receive the discounts at local businesses?
    • Easy!  After you have downloaded your Membership Card and saved it to your Apple Wallet or Google Pay, just show it at check-out.  If an online code, it will be provided via e-mail after you donate.
  • What are the size breakdowns for socks?
  • What size is the water bottle?
  • When and Where can I pick up my swag?
    • Follow our social media accounts for the most up to date events where your swag can be picked up.  Or follow our events page here and notice that specific events will state “Swag Pick Up Available”.
  • When will my swag ship?
    • We ship once a month on the first Monday.  Thanks for your patience as we put taking care of our trails as our priority!
  • What are the contest rules?
    • Read more about the contest rules here

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